Sanctus Care

Speech Therapy in Pune

Best Speech Therapy in Pune

SanctusHealthcare accesses the best speech therapists in Pune to help evaluate and prepare therapy plans for a variety of speech disorders and/or delays in children or adults with neurological deficits. Our speech therapy services, in addition to our nursing services in pune that we offer at the Shriniwas Centre at Pune.


The indicative list of conditions, therapies and interventions are given below:

• Speech delays and disorders including articulation, phonology and motor speech disorders

• Language delays and disorders, including expression and comprehension in oral and non-verbal contexts

• Fluency disorders, including stuttering

• Voice and resonance disorders

• Swallowing and feeding disorders in adults, children and infants

• Cognitive Communication Disorders including social communication skills, reasoning, problem solving and executive functions

• Pre-literacy and literacy skills including phonological awareness, decoding, reading comprehension and writing

• Communication and swallowing disorders related to other issues including Hearing Impairments, Traumatic Brain Injury, Developmental, Intellectual or Genetic disorders and Neurological Impairments/Stroke etc.


SanctusHealthcare offers 24 x 7 supervised residential nursing care along with an excellent physiotherapy and occupational therapy teams for all the above conditions. At our centre, we have a fully equipped physiotherapy centre and a gym to help patients. We offer short-term and long-term physiotherapy/occupational therapy plans. For more updates, you can follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

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